About SPSC
Since 2007, the State Privacy & Security Coalition (SPSC) has provided substantive, sector-neutral advice and deep issue expertise to policymakers working to strengthen their state privacy and cybersecurity laws in the absence of federal legislation establishing a comprehensive national standard.
Comprised of companies representing multiple sectors, Coalition members support passage of federal legislation creating a single national standard to provide clarity to both individuals and businesses about their rights and responsibilities.
SPSC is a broad coalition spanning multiple industries and sectors. Our members believe that a comprehensive federal privacy law is the best approach for consumers and businesses alike. Until Congress passes a federal standard, SPSC and its members will continue working at the state level to ensure policies balance increased consumer transparency and control over their data with operational workability and the need for cybersecurity and fraud prevention.
We work on a bipartisan basis and appreciate the diversity of viewpoints and approaches among businesses and policymakers to these complex issues. Privacy and security aren’t partisan issues, and across the country, new state laws are passing with cooperation across the aisle and overwhelming bipartisan cooperation and support.
SPSC doesn’t engage in political giving, financially or otherwise. We focus our resources and energy on providing substantive expertise in response to legislative proposals and other regulatory processes, working to help stakeholders navigate and understand the real-world benefits, implications and consequences of their proposals.

Primary Issue Areas:
- Comprehensive Consumer Privacy
- Data Breach Notification
- Biometrics and Facial Recognition
- Automated Processing